

Cultivando un Futuro Verde

Durante el primer trimestre de 2023, la comunidad de Idioma Internacional se unió una vez más en un evento organizado a través de nuestro movimiento de responsabilidad social, Idioma Cares....

Social Responsibility Teacher Life
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My experience as an Idioma Internacional Corporate Trainer

My name is Garth Johnson and I’ve been a virtual corporate trainer with Idioma Internacional for the past six months. I am from sunny South Africa and even though I...

Teacher Life Virtual Teaching
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Growth Mindset During COVID-19

Someone once said that change is the only constant in life. That same someone may also argue that this has been particularly true since March 2020. Due to the pandemic...

Teacher Life Teaching in Costa Rica
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Hospital Nacional de Niños

December is a special month known for giving and this past December, Idioma Internacional wanted to focus on the children in our community. On Thursday, December 12th, a team from...

Idioma Cares Social Responsibility Teacher Life
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Anna Ross Race for Cancer 2019

Being active as a team is something that Idioma promotes and in previous years, the staff participated in Dr. Anna Ross Walk and Run Against Cancer. This year was no different as...

Idioma Cares Teacher Life
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The Hardest Word to Say

When I close a chapter in my life, even with a new one beginning, I struggle to find the right words or ways to express myself. It is no different...

Teacher Life
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A Day at a Time

A Random Wednesday, 2018 4:50 AM: My nemesis begins to chime, bringing in the new day. As I am not a morning person, I immediately begin to cringe. I always set...

Teacher Life
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Reflections on a Full Year

The Arrival He stayed up most of the night packing. His bags were heavy, but his heart was light. The room cleaned out, he felt the impact of the decision...

Arts and Culture Natural World New Arrivals Teacher Life
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Idioma Internacional Holiday Party

On a Saturday, many of the staff were coming from teaching their respective colegio (high-school) classes, and began to arrive individually. Some of us, the author included, came straight from...

Company Events Teacher Life
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Tamal: Tico Christmas Tradition

Never have experienced the Holiday season in Costa Rica (or any other country) I didn’t know what to expect. There are no snow-covered rooftops, no fields of pine trees, no...

Arts and Culture Teacher Life
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In the US and Canada, Thanksgiving is a widely celebrated holiday. Most everyone knows that families gather to share lots of food and drinks, debate politics, watch football, and fall...

Teacher Life
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Company Retreat

Part 1: Professional and Personal Development Twice each year, Idioma Internacional holds an all-company retreat. There are always two parts to the retreat. The first day begins with an in-office professional development...

Company Events Teacher Life
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